
Showing posts from November, 2015

ReTrans Freight eCommerce


"Thank You"

We are roughly 48,000 truck drivers short of filling demand.  can be attributed to numerous factors, One solution to the problem that most anyone can agree upon is the that drivers need to be paid more. Though there are many factors contributing America's truck driver shortage including lifestyle, government regulations, an aging driver pool, among others. The solution to curbing the shortage seems to be multifaceted, and one part of it is most certainly increasing driver pay. We are losing about 95,000 drivers each year to retirement, so we need to attract more young drivers in addition to retaining the ones that are there now. Increasing regulations from the government have pushed some drivers that may not have necessarily been at the age of retirement to go ahead and retire. Another issue at the heart of the driver shortage besides government regulations and driver retirement is a driver’s lifestyle. Being a truck driver is not an easy or glorious job. Rarely do you hear a chi...